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Sensation & Perception

Read each true/false statement and test your answers by placing your cursor over the question mark.

On a clear, dark night we can see a candle flame 30 miles away.
Advertisers are able to shape our buying habits through subliminal messages.
Constant eye movements prevent our vision from being seriously disrupted.
The retina of the eye is actually a piece of the brain that migrates to the eye during early fetal development.
If we stare at a green square for awhile and then look at a white sheet of paper, we see red.
People who live in noisy environments are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, anxiety, and feelings of helplessness.
Blind musicians are more likely than sighted ones to develop perfect pitch.
Touching adjacent cold and pressure spots triggers a sense of wetness.
People who are born without the ability to feel pain usually die by early adulthood.
Without their smells, a cup of coffee may be hard to distinguish from a glass of red wine.
Understanding illusions provides important clues to the ordinary mechanisms of perception.
Infants just learning to crawl do not perceive depth.
Persons who have sight in only one eye are totally unable to gauge distances.
We see objects as having the same size, shape, and color even though the images the objects case upon our eyes change.
The moon appears larger at the horizon than in the sky because distance cues make it appear closer.
A person who is born blind but gains sight as an adult cannot recognize common shapes and forms.
If required to look through a pair of glasses that turns the world upside down, we soon adapt and coordinate our movements without difficulty.
If people are told that an infant is "David," they are likely to see "him" as bigger and stronger than if the same infant is called "Diana."
Psychics have frequently been successful in helping the police solve crimes.
Laboratory evidenced clearly indicates that some people do have ESP.